Artist Statement

Newman House - Elizabeth Rollins-Scott Portrait 2000Since childhood, I have had a fascination with the esoteric and spiritual dimensions of life that has been based upon my profound personal experiences with auras and energies, which have included visions, dreams and physical manifestations. My inspiration has also been drawn from both the primitive forms of antiquity as well as the religious sculptures and art forms of both the Gothic, Medieval and Renaissance periods.

Throughout my career I have predominantly developed two bodies of work: one vessel and sculptural based, which is ostensibly my angelic sculptural pieces and my sleeping heads and the other, complex surfaces inspired by my love of Egyptian and coptic textiles and explored through the medium of print and painting, but throughout, there is a strong overriding common language and synergistic relationship which elucidates the relation between the modes, that is evidenced by both the complex application of layers and detailed markings and patterns.

My work moreover is approached from a multi-disciplinary perspective and invites insights and techniques from all media in which I work, namely, ceramics, sculpture, painting and printmaking. This rich vocabulary allows me to not only challenge conventional thinking but also work outside traditional boundaries.

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